Estou a dever novas leituras diagonais e horizontais aos nossos jornais semanários (vou acrescentar a lista alguns faxes que me chegam).
Assim que o tempo me permitir, postarei igualmente a minha opinião sobre o papel dos media em Moçambique na geração de ídolos, sobretudo da chamada "Indústria Cultural". Dois casos: Os Ídolos da Nova Geração e "Os Filhos da Nação Moçamérica".
Antes, porém, com aquele aceno ao Bayano Valy e ao Ericino de Salema (cá por mim dos mais talentosos jornalistas da "geração pós-4 de Outubro" e, felizmente, amigos meus) aqui vai uma tirada do recentemente libertado do cativeiro Alan Johnston, num email enviado ao Director do BBC College of Journalism, Vin Ray, que pediu a correspondentes da "Bush House" dicas sobre reportagem radiofónica:
The Art of Journalism
“So much of the job is about trying to find the imagination within yourself to try to see, to really see, the world through the eyes of the people in the story. Not just through the eyes of the Palestinian who has just had his home smashed. But also through the eyes of the three young Israelis in a tank who smashed it.
Why did they see that as a reasonable thing to do? What was going through their minds as their tank went through the house?
If you can come close to answering questions like that, then you’ll be giving the whole picture, which is what the BBC must do. And when you are with one side from the conflict, you have got to put to them the very best arguments of the other side - the toughest questions.”
“So much of the job is about trying to find the imagination within yourself to try to see, to really see, the world through the eyes of the people in the story. Not just through the eyes of the Palestinian who has just had his home smashed. But also through the eyes of the three young Israelis in a tank who smashed it.
Why did they see that as a reasonable thing to do? What was going through their minds as their tank went through the house?
If you can come close to answering questions like that, then you’ll be giving the whole picture, which is what the BBC must do. And when you are with one side from the conflict, you have got to put to them the very best arguments of the other side - the toughest questions.”
2 comentários:
Caro Milton, muito obrigado pela menção. Aínda vamos comer muita farinha nesta profissão. Há quem pense que deixamos o jornalismo do lado, mas a nossa maneira continuamos na área (como diz o outro). A descrição de Alan Johnston é fabulosa. Quantos de nós, mesmo contra os seus melhores instintos, conseguem aproximar-se do considerado agressor para que conte o seu lado da estória e aínda por cima sem preconceitos? Há artes que devemos lapidar a cada dia que passa.
Gostei da imaginação: Os filhos da nossa Moçamérica
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